(-- F3 to save and exit --) 2. Copy/Communications Documents are weapons in the business war. To win you need a large and diverse arsenal. Besides quantity and diversity, quality is also a vital consideration. Communications, from the brochures and contracts, to the tone of your voice, and the verbiage you use when answering the telephone, are all marketing tools. Each product/service (as well as the company itself) should have several sets of increasingly technical and complete pieces of literature. So too should groups of related products. Don't forget corporate documents that set the stage for all other written copy. Develop effective cover letters for all situations (brochures tell, cover letters sell). Do all our products/services have: Data sheets? Brochures? Press releases written about them? Trade magazine articles written about them? Misc. promotional photos, slides, etc. of them? Case studies and/or mini case studies (application briefs)? Demo versions? Does our organization have: A media/press kit? Internal and client newsletters? Product reply/response cards? Form sales letters? Formal contract/agreement documents? A company brochure? A spokesperson? A official set of guidelines/answers to respond to questions asked? An advertising plan, budget, and strategy? A computer database of all media contacts, associations, publications, movers and shakers, editorial calendars, freelance writers? Do all our communications have: A consistency of: color, shape, message, theme, layout, appearance, quality? Limited amounts of technical jargon? Liberal amounts of stimulating adjectives? DOES EVERYTHING STRESS USER NEEDS, WANTS, DESIRES, BENEFITS and not product/service features, or company boosting? Handling bad news and negative PR: Are we prepared to handle the response that will appear if our company has a major accident, crisis, disaster, emergency? Do we have an action plan (and materials) ready to publicly present after only brief modification? Do we have an action plan (and materials) in place to capitalize on a competitors' mistakes (i.e. how we ca capture their former customers, why it wouldn't happen to us, etc.)? Do we have materials ready to send to the press responding to some no-blame crisis that we know will happen sooner or later? Being the first to respond will get us media coverage and position us as national/international experts. (-- F3 to save and exit --) --------------------------------